Team Registration

Please complete the Registration Form below to secure your teams entry into the upcoming Newcastle Premier Futsal League competition season. 

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Team Details

Player Details

Please enter each team members name, age, and contact info. To add additional members, just press the Add button. All team members must be entered for insurance reasons.

Waiver and Consent

All customers, players and supporters at NPFL have a responsibility to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, consistent with the following Code of Conduct:

- Respect every player or supporter regardless of their gender, age, ability, cultural background or religion
- Play by the rules and encourage fair play
- Be respectful in dealings with officials, coaches, players and supporters
- Engage in positive behaviour
- Do not use abusive language
- Appropriate Futsal attire and suitable Futsal sports shoes must be worn when using the courts
- Be considerate of the safety and wellbeing of other players
- Respect the policies and practices of NPFL.
- Any person who does not abide by this Code of Conduct can be asked to leave
- NPFL reserves the right to decline or cancel registrations by players who have breached the code of conduct.

I agree to the Code of Conduct on behalf of our team.
Price: $1,560.00